
隱私保護政策 Privacy Policy

親愛的朋友,感謝您蒞臨國立科學工藝博物館網站戶外園區植物數位學習網(以下簡稱本網站), 關於您的個人隱私權,本網站絕對尊重並予以保護。

  • 本聲明適用範圍
    本聲明適用於所有以國立科學工藝博物館名義申請之網域(Domain Name即nstm.gov.tw)所架設之網站, 但不適用於本網站功能連結至其他對外網站,您必須參考該連結網站中的隱私權保護政策, 本網站不負任何連帶責任。
  • 關於個人資料之蒐集
    當您在瀏覽本網站或下載檔案時,並不會蒐集任何有關您的個人身份資料。 而本網站提供之各項線上服務,將視服務需求請您提供姓名、身分證字號、聯絡電話、e-mail、通訊住址等個人最新、最真實之資料。本網站所蒐集之個人資料,將在國立科學工藝博物館所提供的業務範圍內或依法得為交互運用之規範下進行, 除法律另有規定外,不會將其做為超出蒐集之特定目的以外之用途。 此外,本網站在您使用服務信箱或其他互動性功能時, 會保留您所提供的姓名、身分證字號、電子郵件地址、連絡方式及使用時間等。當您在瀏覽或查詢網頁資料時,本網站亦會保留伺服器自行產生的相關紀錄,包括您使用連線設備的IP位址、使用時間、瀏覽及點擊資料等紀錄,這些資料將提供本網站內部進行網路流量和行為的調查分析, 以利於提升本網站的服務品質,並不會針對個別使用者進行資料對應或分析。 本網站有義務保護您的隱私,在未取得您的同意下,不會任意修改或刪除任何您的個人資料及檔案。 除非經過您同意或符合以下情況始得為之:
  1. 經由合法的途徑。
  2. 保護或防衛相關網路民眾的權利或所有權。
  3. 為保護本網站各相關單位之權益。


  1. 配合司法單位合法的調查。
  2. 依法配合相關權責機關依職務需要之調查或使用。
  3. 符合相關法令與規範之安全保護要求下,進行網站服務維護管理及系統調整等作業。

  • 網站安全機制
    本網站將盡力建置完善之安全保護措施,運用軟硬體設備建置網路安全機制, 網站主機不定期進行弱點掃描與系統漏洞修補。本網站亦裝置網路記錄分析系統,偵測網路異常紀錄與資訊, 對於破壞性行為或企圖侵入伺服主機之異常行為,將依相關安全規範進行攔阻,並通報警政單位。
  • 個人資料的利用及傳輸
    本網站有權於特定目的或法令許可範圍內,對取得之個人資料進行保管、利用、處理或傳輸, 期間自該項服務啟始日起,至服務停止後六個月為止,利用地區為臺灣地區。 本網站將盡力以合理之技術及程序,以維護所有個人資料之安全。
  • Cookies的運用與政策
    本網站使用Cookies作為與您溝通與辨識的工具,目的在於提供您更好的服務, 以及方便您參與個人化的互動活動。此外,為了統計瀏覽人數及分析瀏覽模式,做為本網站改善服務之參考,會在您瀏覽器中寫入並讀取 Cookies 。如果您不希望接受Cookies,您可以在瀏覽器之設定選項中(如IE 之「Internet選項」的「安全性」)修改您對Cookies的接受程度。 如果您選擇拒絕所有的 Cookies,可能會導致您無法使用本網站服務,或是參與部分的活動。
  • 自我保護措施
    請妥善保管您的個人資料、帳號及密碼等相關資料,勿將其提供給第三者, 尤其是密碼;在您使用本網站所提供之各項服務功能後,請務必登出帳號。 若您是與他人共享電腦或使用公共電腦,使用完畢切記要關閉瀏覽器視窗,以防止他人讀取您的資料。
  • 其他
    本網站將因應社會環境及法令規定之變遷或科技技術進步,不定時修訂與公布本項政策聲明, 並採用最新技術與法規盡力保護您的網路隱私,請您隨時上網閱覽本政策,以保障您的權益。


Dear Friends, thank you for visiting the website of the National Science and Technology Museum Outdoor Plants Learning Website(hereinafter referred to as “This Website”).
We shall duly respect and protect your personal privacy right. We would like to let you know the Privacy Right Protection Policy of This Website for your peace of mind in using the services provided thereof.

  • This declaration of policy is applicable to all websites set up under the domain of National Science and Technology Museum (i.e., the domain name is nstm.gov.tw) but not other external websites through the linking function of This Website. You are advised to consult the privacy right protection policy of relevant websites being linked to. This Website disclaims any responsibility thereof.
  • This Website will not collect any of your personal information while you are browsing This Website or in download of files from This Website. The various forms of services provided by This Website may request update and true information from you, like your name, ID card number, telephone number, e-mail, and mailing address depending on the services you requested. The personal information collected by This Website will be used within the scope of services provided by National Science and Technology Museum or as required by law for interactive use. Unless the law specified otherwise, This Website will not use your personal information for any other purposes. Furthermore, This Website will keep the name, ID card number, e-mail address, method of contact and the login time at the moment you used the e-mail service or other interactive functions. This Website will also keep the records automatically generated by the server at the time you browse or conduct search on web pages of This Website. The records will contain information on your IP address, login time, browsing record and clicking record. These data will be used for internal traffic and behavior survey and analysis by This Website so that better service quality could be provided. This Website will not particularly target your personal profile for corresponding analysis. It is the onus of This Website to protect your privacy, and will not modify or delete any part of your personal information and files without your consent or in compliance with the following:
  1. Through legitimate means.
  2. For the protection or defense of the rights and proprietorship of other Internet population.
  3. For the protection of the rights and privileges of the functional units related to This Website.

This Website shall not sell, exchange, or lease out any part of your personal information to any group, individual, or private enterprise at free will unless under the following circumstances:

  1. In supporting an investigation of the judiciary.
  2. In supporting the needs of related authorities in investigation or use as required by their duties.
  3. For the service and maintenance management of This Website and system adjustment in compliance with applicable laws and codes in security protection.

  • This Website will spare no effort in installing proper security measures for protection with the use of relevant hardware and software. In addition, the mainframe of This Website will be regularly scanned for weakness and system defects with remedy. A network log analysis system has also been installed at This Website to detect abnormal record and information. For willful vandalism or any attempt to intrude into the mainframe will be blocked under relevant security measures and will be reported to police authorities.
  • In the use and transmission of personal information, this Website reserves the right to keep, use, process or transmit the personal information being acquired for specific purpose or as permitted by law with effect on the day the service is activated to the end of 6 months after the termination of service, and will use the personal information in Taiwan only. This Website will provide reasonable technology and programs for protecting the security of personal information in due diligence.
  • In the use of cookies, This Website will use cookies as a tool for communication and identification with you. The purpose is to provide you better service and make it convenient for you in engagement in personalized interactive events. In addition, This Website will also write and read Cookies while you are browsing for purpose of statistical compilation on the visitor population and the analysis of the mode of browsing, which will be served as reference for This Website in making improvement. You may prefer to not accept Cookies, and may revise your level of acceptance of Cookies from the setup menu of the browser (in IE, choose “security” from the “Internet Options”). Should you elect to reject all Cookies, you may encounter difficulty in using the services provided by This Website, or participating in some of the events.
  • For your self-protection, please keep your personal information, user ID and PIN properly. Do not make the above information available to a third party with your PIN in particular. Please log off after using the services provided by This Website. If you share a computer with the others or use a public computer, be sure to shut off the window of the browser to avoid a third party to read your information.
  • This Website will keep abreast of any change in the social and legal environment or technological advancement thereby will revise and post this policy at any time where appropriate, and will choose the most advanced technologies and the update version of law to protect your privacy over the web to its entirety. Please read this policy as you browse in This Website for the protection of your rights and privileges.

Should you require further information on the privacy right policy declaration of This Website, please contact us by email at: mail.nstm.gov.tw